Prezi portfolio presentation
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Shafts D/M
CAD/CAM software system for shafts
Shafts D/M is a CAD/CAM software system made for speeding up the designing and manufacturing process for relatively complex shaped shafts. It consists of two desktop applications, one handling the CAD part and the other for the CAM part.
  • Shafts D/M is the winner of the international project competition ICAMES 2004
  • the CAM part was awarded the 1st prize at the 2004 Session of Scientific Communication - Technological Engineering Faculty in Brasov
  • the CAD part was awarded the 1st prize at the 2003 Session of Scientific Communication - Technological Engineering Faculty in Brasov


Software development clients - REEL Reinheimer Elektronik GmbH
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Software development clients - Sziget festival
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