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3DCar is the first fully interactive 3D car configurator
A configurator is an effective tool used in the sales process and helps the client in faster choosing his preferred configuration, leading him to the proper dealers. It has an important contribution to the marketing policies of manufacturers and dealers world-wide.
3DCar is a project built with passion and features a set of innovations of which the most important is the full interactivity (users can click parts of the car to interact with them - open doors, trunk, hood etc.).
Learn more at http://www.3DCarConfigurator.com.
See the Youtube premiere at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co3sLOMdeJM.
Email signing and email encryption
Especially for those who desire confidentiality, we have prepared a small guide regarding email signing and email encryption.
It was written to help you find the answers to your questions regarding secure email and how to use digital certificates for email confidentiality.
Partners in research
We are pleased to inform you that our organisation has been validated under FP7 programme as a SME, private body with the 985066235 PIC.
FP7 is the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe.
The innovative 3DCar™ project (you might have seen an earlier version at SIAB 2007) has been disclosed to public in early 2010. See the website here: 3D CAR CONFIGURATOR